Singular Beauty explores America’s cultural fixation with beauty. This pursuit is both complex and a pervasive part of modern society. Technology has enabled us to correct and enhance our bodies with an endless array of procedures that promise to make us younger, thinner, sexier and more beautiful. But for many – particularly educated, white, cis, middle & upper class class women – the process of re-making ourselves has become a full-time job. Because we believe, as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons website states, that “Even a small change on the outside can create an extraordinary change on the inside, allowing an individual’s self-confidence to flourish.” However patients that enter these offices believing this promise, may find themeselves confronted with their own self-loathing, body shame and anxiety.
Singular Beauty. 2005-2008
Chromogenic C-Prints. Edition of 5 +1 AP.